
Statistics: 1 in 3 people born in the UK this year will develop dementia in their lifetime. There are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK. This will increase to over one million by 2025 and over two million by 2050. (
Richmond Court Residential Home firmly believes that it is important that people with dementia are treated with utmost respect. Richmond Court recognises that each person with Dementia is a unique individual with their own very different experiences of life, their own needs and feelings and their likes and dislikes. 

The person with Dementia needs to feel respected and valued for who they are now, as well for who they were in the past.

We make time to listen to them and have regular talks with them. Giving them time to express their concerns and fears. By doing this we believe this will make the Service users feel wanted and cared for.

We do things with them, rather than for them, to help them retain their independence.

To care for Service Users with Dementia all our care staff are trained in Dementia Care, Challenging Behaviour and Mental Capcity Act. Their knowledge and expertise will improve the lives of people with Dementia.

Person centred care plans are developed with the service user and thier loved ones so that each person receives appropriate person-centred care and treatment that is based on an assessment of their needs and preferences.

Not only do we invovle GP's in our work, but we also work side by side with specialist care teams that visit the care home often such as Enhance Care Nurses and Mental Health Teams who visit the care home often.

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